Seasonal Self-Care: How to Maintain Wellness This Fall

As the seasons change, so do our self-care needs. Fall brings cooler temperatures and shorter days, which can impact our physical and mental well-being. This seasonal self-care guide provides tips on how to maintain wellness this fall with a focus on natural and holistic practices.

1. Boost Immunity: Elderberry, Vitamin C, Vitamin D & K, Echinacea, Ginger

-Incorporate immune-boosting supplements and foods into your diet. Elderberry syrup, vitamin C-rich fruits, vitamin D & K supplements, and ginger are excellent choices.

Health Benefits: Strengthens the immune system, reduces the risk of seasonal illnesses, and supports overall health. Vitamin D combined with Vitamin K helps with calcium absorption and immune function, while ginger aids in reducing inflammation and boosting immunity.

-A good rule of thumb is when leaves fall so do Vitamin D levels so that’s your cue to start supplementing with a quality Vit D+K

Take it one step further and consider this: Best Anti-Inflammatory Foods to Transform Your Health

*Supplement Recommendation: Cymbiotika

2. Stay Active: Outdoor Walks, Yoga, Strength Training

-Engage in regular physical activity to keep your body moving. Outdoor walks, yoga, pilates and strength training are great options. Everyone should be engaging in some sort of strength training to ensure healthy skeletal muscle and ensure we fend off aging prematurely.

If nothing else, walk! Here’s why: Undeniable Health Benefits of Walking Daily: 7-10 Thousand Steps

Health Benefits: Improves cardiovascular health, boosts mood, and enhances flexibility and strength. We as a society have become entirely too sedentary. Our bodies were created to move and as the saying goes: “If you don’t use it, you lose it”.

3. Prioritize Sleep: Regular Sleep Schedule, Herbal Teas, Relaxation Techniques

-Establish a consistent sleep routine. Drink calming herbal teas like chamomile, take a quality magnesium supplement and stay consistent with your sleep routine techniques before bed.

-Try and regulate going to bed at the same time every night so that you maintain a good sarcadien rhythm.

-No blue light at least 30-60mins before bed and keep your room temperature on the cooler side to encourage a deeper sleep.

Health Benefits: Enhances sleep quality, supports mental clarity, and promotes overall well-being and healing throughout the body.

Take a deeper dive into the importance of good sleep : Creating a Bedtime Routine

4. Nourish Your Skin: Natural Moisturizers, Hydration, Gentle Exfoliation

-With the colder weather comes the dry skin. Use natural moisturizers like shea butter and coconut oil. Keep the skin hydrated and apply lotion or oil after every shower while the skin is still damp, this will help lock in moisture.

Here are some of our favorite options for moisturizers: Best Natural Moisturizers for Dry Skin

-Exfoliate or dry brush to gently remove dead skin cells. Dry brushing is not only great for skin texture and health but is a wonderful way to promote lymphatic drainage.

For more on lymphatic drainage: The Benefits of Gua Sha: Lymphatic Drainage and Body Sculpting

*Recommendation: Wildling Beauty

5. Embrace Mindfulness: Meditation, Deep Breathing, Journaling

-Incorporate mindfulness practices into your daily routine. Meditation, deep breathing exercises, and journaling can help you stay grounded. It might sound corny but : “Where the mind flows, energy goes” and that 100% applies to every aspect of our lives, especially our physical well being.

Health Benefits: Reduces stress, improves mental clarity, and enhances emotional well-being.

Fall is a time of transition, and taking care of yourself during this season is essential for maintaining wellness. By boosting your immunity, staying active, prioritizing sleep, nourishing your skin, and embracing mindfulness, you can enjoy a healthy and balanced autumn.

So fuel your body correctly, move your body mindfully, sleep to repair, and think and speak with intention. Happy Autumn! x