Top 3 Crystals to Wear

The practice of wearing crystals dates back thousands of years to ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, where it was believed that specific gemstones hold powerful energies. These energies could be used for protection, healing, and spiritual growth. In today’s day and age more and more people are seeking alternative methods for improving their well-being and spiritual growth. These top 3 crystals are known to provide protection, purify and cleanse surroundings as well as create transformation. Let’s explore the properties of these remarkable crystals.

Top 3 crystals to wear or carry around with you:

1. Black Tourmaline: The Holy Grail of protection.

Tourmaline acts as a shield against negative energies and electromagnetic smog. It will absorb and transmute negative energy into positive vibrations, creating a sense of security and stability. This crystal is incredibly grounding and can help when you are feeling lost or uncertain. By wearing or keeping Black Tourmaline nearby, one can experience enhanced mental clarity, emotional balance, and spiritual protection – Our Knight in shining armor.

2. Selenite: The ultimate cleansing crystal.

One of the few crystals that does not need charging as it has a high vibration and quickly unblocks stagnant, negative energy. Selenite helps removes blockages from the body and environment. It is the best tool to purify , cleanse and uplift you, your home and your surroundings. It has the capability of cleansing and charging your other crystals. Wearing selenite will help promote mental clarity, inner peace, and spiritual growth.

3. Labradorite: The stone of transformation and magic.

Labradorite Stones

This beauty is prized for its ability to enhance intuition, psychic abilities and even has the power to strengthen the aura. It assists in calming down anxiety, helping you feel better in stressful situations or environments. Nicknamed ‘Magicians fuel’ due to its ability to help you awaken your true potential. It will surround you with a protective cloak while wearing it. While wearing or carrying Labradorite, one can tap into its mystical energies to unlock hidden potential, awaken creativity, and navigate life’s challenges with confidence and grace.

Incorporating these into your daily life can be a beautiful and transformative experience. Whether you wear them, place them around your home or office or simply hold them during meditation, crystals have the power to uplift, inspire, and align you with your highest potential. Additionally, crystals can be kept in the car, your handbag, or even in your luggage while traveling. Why not add a touch of crystal magic to your life and allow their healing energies to support and protect you.

One of the most popular ways to wear crystals is in bracelet form. Here is a link with come cute options available on Amazon.

Now make sure to properly care for your crystals by checking out this blog post: Cleansing and Charging Your Crystals