Cleansing and Charging Your Crystals

Crystals are more than just stunning decorations; they’re potent tools for healing, manifestation, and spiritual growth. But like any tool, crystals require regular maintenance to ensure they remain energetically vibrant. Crystals attract negative energy and hold it, that is why you need to cleanse them regularly. In this comprehensive guide to unlocking the power of crystals, we’ll delve into the importance of cleansing and charging your crystals and how to align their energies with the phases of the moon.

Cleansing Your Crystals:

Over time, crystals can absorb negative energies from their surroundings or energetic residue from handling. Regular cleansing is essential to restore their natural vibrational frequency.

Here are some effective methods for cleansing your crystals:

Running Water:

-Hold your crystals under running water, preferably from a natural source like a stream, for a few minutes. Visualize the water washing away any negative energies.

-Running water will work for most crystals, however do not allow crystals to sit in stagnant water unless you know they are not water soluble. Some crystals are water soluble and this method will have them break down over time, hence why we recommend running water.

Salt Bath:

-Submerge your crystals in a bowl of saltwater for several hours or overnight, then rinse them thoroughly under running water to remove any salt residue. This is another method to be cautious of when it comes to various stones that may not be best suited to salt or water submersion. The ocean water is another great place to clear your crystals.


-Place your crystals in direct sunlight for a few hours to purify and recharge them. Sunlight is the greatest disinfectant. This method as well as the one below are both perfectly safe and easy for all crystals.


-Harness the cleansing power of the full moon by leaving your crystals outside or on a windowsill overnight. The full moons energy will cleanse and recharge them, amplifying their effectiveness.


-take sage and smudge your crystals as well as yourself. This is also a safe and effective method and practiced frequently in the spiritual community.

Charging Your Crystals:

In addition to cleansing, it’s crucial to recharge your crystals to enhance their energetic properties.

Here are some methods for charging your crystals:

Selenite Plate:

-Place your crystals on a selenite charging plate or near a selenite wand to absorb and transmute any negative energies. Selenite is renowned for its powerful cleansing and charging properties.

-To cleanse yourself and your crystals using a selenite wand, simply pass the wand over your body and the crystals, allowing its purifying energy to absorb and transmute any negative energies, leaving you and your crystals refreshed and revitalized.


-Utilize the energy of the full moon to charge your crystals. Simply place them outside or on a windowsill under the light of the full moon overnight for maximum effectiveness.

Intention Setting:

-Hold your crystals in your hands and set your intentions for them. Visualize your desired outcome and imbue the crystals with your intentions, infusing them with your energy.

Sound Bath:

-Use sound vibrations from singing bowls or tuning forks to clear and charge your crystals. Simply hold the crystals near the sound source and allow the vibrations to penetrate their energy field. This a a great method to use for all crystals.

By incorporating these practices into your crystal care routine and aligning with the energies of the moon cycles, you can enhance the effectiveness of your crystals and deepen your connection to their inherent magic. Experiment with different methods and trust your intuition to find what works best for you and your crystals.

Happy cleansing and moon-gazing! x

Make sure to check out our previous blog post : 3 Essential Crystals to Enhance Your Home to ensure you are getting the most out of where you place them in your home.